Another Earth Day is here and I must say, most of the folks strolling the planet are much
greener than they were last year, but we still have far to go. We've all heard to turn off the tap while brushing teeth, but I recently heard that if a family of four were to do that for one year, they would save enough water to fill a swimming pool. That's pretty amazing to think that we could waste that much just by leaving the tap running.
Here's an interesting page on water and the gimmic of bottled water. Read your labels people, and try to drink filtered tap water whenever you can. Lots of ways to
go green here. So in honor of being green,
all green earrings are $7 OFF through 4/30/12.
Email me which pair you would like and I will invoice you through Paypal with the discount. Great time to pick up a special Mother's Day gift!
Are you looking for the perfect gift for your green, nature-loving friend? Guaranteed they've never received a gift like this...click the picture link below to give them 10 trees planted for their birthday. Sure to bring a smile that will last a long time on many faces.
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