Monday, December 27, 2010

Relax and Enjoy

Hello there friends. I am still on the planet. Before Christmas I was just trying to get all the orders out on the sleigh in time. And since Christmas, I've been enjoying some downtime and loving it. Had a wonderful time with both families who live closeby. This week brings lots of time for my girls to to play with their cousins and get all the Mario Bros. gametime they (me) can handle.

Along with recyling all the Christmas trash, it seemed like a good time clean out cupboards and remove "stuff" that had been collected over the years. I'm on a mission to get it done before January 1st. It feels very freeing to see a clean shelf in my game closet and I really don't miss any of it. Old clothes, toys, games, books, bags, magazine stacks and clippings of great ideas for my house that I forgot about, craft supplies for "someday", recipe books from the '80's, etc. etc. I highly recommend you try it. However, my wheels have been turning on new designs. I'm excited to get back to my regular schedule and begin work at my table. The new year will be here shortly. For now, relax and enjoy the quiet moments at home with loved ones. They pass all too quickly.

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