I know it's close, but there is still time to order and these are in very limited supply. I handpicked each one after watching the artist blow these adorable hearts in front of me. Our last day of vacation in Mexico, we checked out the art disply they were hosting on site. I must admit, I felt like I was being glassblown, as we were not in our cool pool garb, but dressed for the plane.The humidity shortened my time staring into the open flame, but it was mesmerizing and I love watching them work. Glassblowing is another craft I could absolutely see myself doing, but I daren't stray there for own sanity, and the fact that there are only 24hrs in my day, at least right now, until they figure out how to clone time. The only heart I have two of, is the white/black zebra pattern. Each measures @ 17", but you can add a chain extender. Check them out online now and suprise the one you love with a unique piece of art they can wear year round.

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