Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Goal Setting

How are things going with your 2012 goals? Did you set any at all? Many don't believe in doing it, because they never follow through. I have a hunch that much of this is due to the fact that they don't make a list and have it all in their head, like a cloud somewhere up there that they are supposed to remember.

I am a big believer in goal setting - grew up writing lists on New Years Eve. I know you're thinking (nerd city), but any business brain will tell you that unless you write things down and make lists and have appts. set on your calendar, many things will not happen. Plus the old brain often fails to remind us of all those great ideas we had back in December when it's May. Time flies by all too quickly. Before you know it, you're planting Easter eggs in the yard, packing a swimsuit for the summer trip, picking pumpkins and hanging ornaments. It really doesn't matter what others think. Make the lists.

Sort your life into categories and list goals for each area. Some of mine are: Spiritual (find a local church, personal Bible study), Relational (family game night once/month, anniversary getaway with husband, call Grandparents more), Physical (fitness routine, diet, skin care), House (moss off roof, new patio furniture, clean garage), Financial (refinance, savings towards X, pay off braces), Personal (read one book/month, spend more time with friends, take cooking class), Business (sell X amount per month, make partner by year end, join Toastmasters). What matters most, is what you will make time for. (More info on goal setting)
We are complex and have so many moving parts, so it's easier to let the paper do all the remembering. Check your lists as often as needed to make sure you are on track. I guarantee a more productive year than last if you can keep to your goals.You can do it!

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